the ideas of Nathan Deakle

Monday, February 22, 2010

Monday Morning:

The only thing I saw when I opened my eyes was beauty.

Sunday, February 21, 2010

created out of lust and dust

I did this tonight. :)

I made this out of Teen Vogue clippings. :)))
I made it the cover of my book.

howlllling in my room:


i want to have a sleep over tonight:

Who can bring the Ouija board?

And maybe a food fight in some crazy beautiful dresses and wigs.
Sounds like a blast to me.

Russian Deathly Halllows cover :))))

Saturday, February 20, 2010

hahahah lydia

This is Wynona as Lydia.

My cousin April as Lydia.


my biggest inspiration right now:

I'm Dumb.

i'm dumb.

Friday, February 19, 2010



Mia Doi Todd "Open Your Heart" dir. Michel Gondry from Viewers Like You on Vimeo.


I started a new painting tonight.
It's mostly green so far.
I might be Tarzan in it.

Hot damn, I wish Romy & Michelle had come in today.
I have nothing to do all night.

Hello, GB. :)

oh, hey cuteness:

Mirranda and I at February's TKO.
It was also Mirranda's 20th birthday!
AND it was Joe Cain day.
What a day.
She, Nicole and I wore all black.
We're chic.
And sleek.

Thursday, February 18, 2010

Trelawney joins in the fight by throwing crystal balls at Hogwarts' attackers.

Drew Graham's Gallery



Snapshot of my lunch with John Ross at Satori.
I got a little reading done, too.
I'm currently reading The Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy.
I bought a copy with all 5 novels plus a spin-off, I guess.
It's pretty cool, I really like the cover.

I have 2 news injuries on my left hand, throwing my balance completely off.

I have had 2 very intricate dreams in the past 2 days.
I just looked them up, what they mean, and my my my, it's all very eerie.

Oh, dreams.


My night:

Wednesday, February 17, 2010


Hello face:

This is a picture of me. My face.
I'm eating a SALAD.
Learn from me.
Do as I do.
Be me.

Here you see me with Zebulon, dressed as a nineties beatnik, although he did not intend to, and Jasyn as Joe Cain.
You also see my She-Bangs.
The bangs of a lady.
She-Bangs are not acceptable.
A hair cut will be scheduled as soon as possible.

I like to call this look "Gus Grump".
It works well if you have a high-forehead, as I do.
"Gus-Grump" works best if you really have the grump inside of you.
Here you see me with "Gus-Grump" and a white Santa beard.
I never thought of Santa as a happy person.

Here I look thirsty.
Bottoms up!

i feel beautiful today:

Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Well, well, well:

Instead of partying all day, I was overcome with a wave of bad feelings and sickness, aka my tonsillitis kicked my ass. I pushed myself as long as I could but by 4 I was a zombie.
So John Ross and I went back to my place and took power naps.
And I just woke up.
And now Mardi Gras is over.
But it's all good.

There's always next year.
When I'll actually be 21.

Laissez le bon temps rouler!

Happy Mardi Gras!!!
Today is Fat Tuesday. Best time.
I'm so excited for todays festivities, whatever they may be.

I'm preparing for my day with a healthy dose of Lo-Fi-Fnk, I bought a few singles off of iTunes. It's exactly what I need.

I slept threw my mom's dinner party last night, I just found out that she was pissed.
Oops. :(
I needed my sleep, you know?

Today is supposedly a good day for relationships, seeing as Venus and Jupiter are alinged in Pisces... but that's just what i read on twitter. hahaha.

Monday, February 15, 2010